Browser based Graph Visualisation of SOA Dependency

Had worked on this small concept around a couple of years. This video shows a simple browser based graph visualisation  of a typical SOA deployments in Oracle SOA 11g Runtime.  This is an extension of the Java based sCrawler application. Have to update the visualisation and dependency generation for 12c .. coming soon …

Installing hudson 3.3.0 on Weblogic

Hudson can be run independently by executing the hudson war file. The war can also be deployed on Weblogic server. Lets look at how to do the latter. Download the hudson war from Create a directory called hudson and put the downloaded war file into it. The war would typically have a name such as … Continue reading

Passing Parameters to XSLT via BPEL

Remember how difficult it used to be to pass parameters from BPEL to XSLT transform functions in 10g. Well, with the new transformDOC function, this has become very easy. The new transform function now allows multiple source documents. The first one is the main document while the others are taken as parameters. The only problem … Continue reading